Rent cabs by the hour with MafatCabs Rentals

Flexible packages at affordable prices

Why ride with MafatCabs Rentals?

The best way to travel around town

Cabs at your disposal
Cabs at your disposal

With MafatCabs Rentals you get cabs at your disposal for as long as you want and travel to multiple destinations with just one booking within city limits.

Secure and Safer Rides
Secure and Safer Rides

Verified drivers, an emergency alert button, and live ride tracking are some of the features that we have in place to ensure you a safe travel experience.

Affordable packages
Affordable packages

Packages start at 1 hour and can extend up to 12 hours! Also, with some nominal additional charges cabs can be retained beyond package limits.

In Cab Entertainment
In Cab Entertainment

Play music, watch videos and a lot more with MafatCabs Play! Also stay connected even if you are travelling through poor network areas with our free wifi facility.

Flexible bookings
Flexible bookings

Easily plan a day out without having to worry about conveyance as with MafatCabs Rentals you can book a cab immediately or up to 48 hours in advance.

Cashless Rides
Cashless Rides

Now go cashless and travel easy. Simply recharge your MafatCabs money or add your credit/debit card to enjoy hassle free payments.

Choose From Our Awesome Fleet



Everyday dependable ride

A regular comfortable AC hatchback that becomes your everyday dependable ride. An economical option for daily commute.

Prime Sedan

Sedans with free Wi-Fi and top drivers

Top rated drivers, and a hand-picked fleet of the best cars with extra legroom and boot space.


Prime SUV

SUVs with free Wi-Fi and top drivers

A perfect choice of car for your weekend getaways, with plenty of room for everyone including that extra bag.


The new luxury ride in town

Top-of-the-line luxury cars like Mercedes, BMW, and Audis powered by auto-connect Wi-Fi, at unbeatable fares & attractive hourly rental packages.

When can you use MafatCabs Rentals?

We have you covered for all your needs

Daily Errands

Now drop your kids off to school, visit a doctor, and get your groceries all in one cab. Perfect way for your personal errands!

Corporate Appointments

Now multiple meetings across town gets easier than ever. Book an MafatCabs Rentals, choose the package of your choice and get going.

Outing with Friends

MafatCabs Rentals makes group outings fun! Choose from our range of SUV’s and get a cab at your disposal for as long as you want.

Exploring a New City

We make your solo trip or a trip with your friends and family to a new city east. Book an Ola Rentals and explore the city in your own time.

Airport Rides

Dropping someone to the airport and getting back can now be done with just one cab booking.

24/7 Customer Support

A dedicated 24x7 customer support team always at your service to help solve any problem.

Your Safety First

Keep your loved ones informed about your travel routes or call emergency services when in need.

Top Rated Driver-Partners

All our driver-partners are background verified and trained to deliver only the best experience.